
バリ島でのお買い物 Shopping in Bali Island


A photograph is the inside of a shop of the Mata Hari department store introduced the other day. At the department store in Bali Island, since there is no price in goods in the usual market and a price is decided by price negotiation with a seller while a price tag does some shopping by being and feeling easy and can obtain, the price tag is not attached to goods in many cases. When I went to travel a barricade last time, since the friend of the spot was OSHARE, he was saying that Japanese people judged from a dress that he is a Japanese. Because it was a Japanese when price negotiation was carried out in the market, the price higher than a reasonable price was sometimes actually shown. For the reason that he decides a satisfactory price beforehand and the direction where he will be traveled from now on negotiates. when the amount of money compromises, it becomes negotiation formation, but it becomes violation of Ruehl cancellation and subsequent to beat down the price further -- since that is right, lets take care!!

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