
バリコーヒー Bali coffee

 コーヒーには、アラビカ種,リベリカ種、ロプスター種の三大原種があリ、その第一に位するのがアラピカ種です。 他種に比べて風味が優秀であり、現在、全世界生産高の約90%を占めているそうです。
Bali coffee of a photograph is a time-tested product of a souvenir. Although there are many kinds, it is powder-like coffee, and after putting this coffee into a cup as it is, adding hot water and sugar, mixing them well and its powder being epressed at a bottom, it is coffee which drinks a supernatant fluid. If the coffee beans of the ARAPIKA kind from Indonesia of selection are used, there is Japanese explanation. It is an ARAPIKA kind that 3 Ohara kinds of an ARABIKA kind, the Ribe Rika kind, and a ROPUSUTA kind are situated in coffee あ Li and in the first place [ its ]. It is said that flavor is excellent and forms about 90% of the whole-world output now compared with other kinds.

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