
バティック batik

It is said that it is the Edo period that the batik (Java print) was told for the first time to Japan. It is unloaded from the Netherlands ship in Dejima in Nagasaki, Indonesia is in colonization of the Netherlands (East India Company) those days, and trade with China, India, and Arab is also prosperous. It is said that various culture unites and new designs, such as a design of the Europe style and multicolor usage, were born to the traditional motif in the style of India in the style of Islam in the style of China. Although my aunt comes for sale and he often tends to be seen cheap on the beach in Bali Island, it captures the spotlight of the fashion industry in the world now, and a precise motif and a beautiful design are the "works of art" which Indonesia is proud of in the world.


ランチョンマット place mat

These accessories are the place mats which wove ata of familiarity into the chopsticks made by the coconut tree in Bali Island. If natural becomes summer after this, it will large-play an active part in charm. Since it is cool for appearance, the appetite which tends to decline at summer is also likely to be stimulated. Moreover, the simplicity by which weariness does not come is glad.


バリコーヒー Bali coffee

 コーヒーには、アラビカ種,リベリカ種、ロプスター種の三大原種があリ、その第一に位するのがアラピカ種です。 他種に比べて風味が優秀であり、現在、全世界生産高の約90%を占めているそうです。
Bali coffee of a photograph is a time-tested product of a souvenir. Although there are many kinds, it is powder-like coffee, and after putting this coffee into a cup as it is, adding hot water and sugar, mixing them well and its powder being epressed at a bottom, it is coffee which drinks a supernatant fluid. If the coffee beans of the ARAPIKA kind from Indonesia of selection are used, there is Japanese explanation. It is an ARAPIKA kind that 3 Ohara kinds of an ARABIKA kind, the Ribe Rika kind, and a ROPUSUTA kind are situated in coffee あ Li and in the first place [ its ]. It is said that flavor is excellent and forms about 90% of the whole-world output now compared with other kinds.