
バリ猫 バリカエル Bali cat Bali frog

A Bali cat is introduced this time. Although it is a barricade cat often seen in the store of Asian miscellaneous goods, I am producing all manually based on a tree called ARUBESHIA which the craftsman has named native wood generically. Since this tree is light and it is soft, it is easy to carve, and it is made in many studios, and individuality is in each. Carry out fishing, a nap is taken, or it is etc. Since it is handmade, of course, the same barricade cat also has some differences in a color, a size, and expression. However, I think that they all are just the merits of the Bali cat miscellaneous goods by handmade. It is said that these days, the color and design of Japanese liking are studied and it shines since the export volume to Japan also increased.

1-1 バリ猫の置物 400円  Ornament of a bali cat 400yen


It is wood carving of wood-carving animal series popular also in Bali Island to a barricade cat. Lovely Bali cats of three animals is sitting on a bench. It is Bali cats of smaller size which is easy to use without choosing the place put on one spot of the room. It can decorate with door, shelf, and toilet -- etc. here and there freely.

1-2 釣りカエル 700円  Fishing frog 700 yen

sold out!!


It is the pretty frog to which eyes open eyes and are carrying out fishing from the wood-carving series of the frog which has a kind in large numbers with the wood-carving miscellaneous goods of Bali Island.

1-3 バリ猫カレンダー 500円 Bali cat calendar 500 yen


It is likely to become pleasant to roll up a calendar at the time in the every day case.

1-4 バリ猫の灰皿 500円 Ashtray of a bali cat 500 yen


Although it is ashtray specification, please use also as an accessory case.

1-5 釣り猫 300円 Fishing cat 300 yen  
sold out!!


It is very cute my fishing cats wood carving. It is called textures with the taste and is the expression of a lovely fish and my cat. It is altogether lovely! Or that it will be nice if it fishes and is presented to the good one direction!? Please decorate my cat with the fishing rod to which the attached fish was attached very.

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